ஆசான் AI

Empowering Learning, Simplifying Education with Aasan AI

Aasan AI is an innovative Tamil language generative AI tailored specifically for educational purposes.
Designed to enhance learning experiences, it leverages advanced algorithms to provide interactive and personalized education solutions.
Optimized for clarity and ease of understanding, Aasan AI supports students and educators by offering detailed explanations, interactive quizzes, and comprehensive learning modules.
With its user-friendly interface, it aims to make learning accessible and engaging for Tamil-speaking communities.
For info reach out to

துர்கா AI

Empower your sales with smart, seamless customer engagement.

Durga AI is an innovative chatbot API that seamlessly integrates with your webpage to transform your marketing and sales strategies.
Specializing in marketing through regional languages, it breaks down communication barriers between companies and customers, delivering personalized, intelligent responses.
Whether nurturing leads, answering queries, or guiding purchasing decisions, Durga AI drives conversions and accelerates growth by simplifying customer engagement.
For info reach out to

About Us

 EVOLVE ROBOT LAB  is a robotics start-up company in Tamil Nadu, India. Headquarter in Chennai.  Led by young Engineering team making affordable Robotics and  Artificial Intelligence products and service for commercial and  military applications.  

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